Meetings and Events
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AFCC Oregon Spring Conference
April 11th, 2025
Portland, Oregon
The Grotto
The Oregon AFCC Spring Conference returns April 11th , 2025 at the Portland Grotto.
This year’s conference will feature two outstanding speakers, Megan Hunter, MBA, and Bruce Cohen, as they delve into the complex issue of high conflict. They’ll explore its impact, offer insights into understanding it, and share strategies for helping your clients effectively navigate these challenges. Join us this Spring for this powerful session!
Megan Hunter, MBA, is co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of the High Conflict Institute along with author and speaker, Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. who developed the high-conflict personality theory. Megan developed the concept of the Institute after eight years with the Arizona Supreme Court and five years with the Dawes County Attorney’s Office in Nebraska.
Megan has trained professionals across a wide spectrum of industries across the U.S. and eight other countries. Megan is known as the Conflict Influencer™, teaching other how to influence any kind of conflict. She is the co-author the forthcoming title, Conflict Influencer in Customer Service; BIFF at Work; The High-Conflict Co-Parenting Survival Guide; and co-host with Bill Eddy, LCSW, Esq. of the podcast, It’s All Your Fault!
Honorable Bruce R. Cohen was appointed as a Superior Court Judge to the Maricopa County, Arizona Superior Court in May, 2005, with assignments on family court (including presiding judge for four years) and criminal court. Prior to his appointment to the Bench, Judge Cohen was in private practice for 24 years, focused on family law. Judge Cohen has worked in concert with the National Conference for State Courts and Arizona State University to develop the Families In Transition Program (“FIT”). With funding from the State Justice Initiative, FIT is a computer-based interactive program designed for early intervention in cases where there is a risk of the family becoming engaged in high-conflict parenting.
During his 18 years on the Bench, he received several state and national awards, including the Arizona Family Support Council’s 2010 Judicial Officer of the Year, the Lifetime Achievement Award from the State Bar of Arizona- Family Law Section, and the nationally prestigious 2022 “Irwin Cantor Innovative Program Award” from the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts.
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Upcoming National Events

AFCC 62nd Annual Conference
May 28-31, 2025 Marriott New Orleans, Louisiana

AFCC 63rd Annual Conference
May 27-30, 2026 Seattle, Washington Westin Seattle
AFCC 62nd Annual Conference
May 28-31, 2025
New Orleans, Louisiana
Event details to be Announced

AFCC 63rd Annual Conference
May 27-30, 2026
Seattle, Washington
Westin Seattle
Event details to be Announced